A story from Aleppo
A Story from Aleppo
An explosion beside her house was enough to displace an entire family and leaving them to face a fate full of pain and sorrow.
Mrs. Duha Al-Abo, who lost her husband in the aforementioned bombing leaving her an 11-year-old boy and a girl who had not yet reached the first year of age starts her asylum journey to Turkey after she had endured the horrors of war and destruction.
For a whole year, she was looking for a job that secures some income for her and her young family, until Allah honored her with a job in El Menahil International School.
A job that has turned to become a family with a fraternal relationship, rather than mere fellowship with the staff. That staff who had the same experience as Duha’s.
Today, Miss Doha lives in a family atmosphere at El Menahil International School and strives for her children (Ayham and Ethar) to reach the highest levels of knowledge in the future in order to fulfill her dream and that of her husband.
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