Mother’s Day at El-Menahil


Mother’s Day at El-Menahil

It was one of the beautiful days in which  El-Menahil International School students celebrated on the occasion of Mother’s Day, which takes place on March 21 every year.

Evening-shift students who receive their education through the Zoom platform were on a date to celebrate this occasion as they came to school with their mothers.

Various activities and events were waiting for them, prepared by teachers and administrators including various competitions, sports challenges, and food preparation, in addition to the most prominent activity, in which the students gave their mothers a gift that they made with their own hands.

In another activity and under the name of the open day, the day of happiness and fun for students of El-Menahil International School, the students spent a time full of joy and activities all day.

This activity aims to entertain and renew the enthusiasm of the students and to shed the light on various talents in order to refine and develop them.



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